Yukio refuses to answer, leading Lightning to call him full of himself since Yukio clearly wants everyone else's secrets while keeping his own. However, the bullet is incinerated before it reaches his skull and his gun is blasted away. While he learns about Section 13, their cloning projects, and that Shiro Fujimoto himself was a clone of Azazel, he finds none of the information he wanted. She thought it was easy but boy was she wrong! Before the sword can strike, Satan reaches out through Yukio's eye and breaks Kurikara. As Yukio pointed his gun at Rin, he told Rin to either turn himself in or just die. Rin tells Yukio that he confessed his feelings to Shiemi, but she views both of them as only friends even though Rin thought she romantically liked Yukio. A straight arrow and kind-hearted by nature, he is the youngest person to ever pass the Exorcist qualification exam, attaining a Meister in Doctor and Dragoon, and later becomes a teacher at True Cross Academy, where he ironically ends up teaching his older brother in the ways of the Exorcist. She's finally able to escape those marble walls and spread her wings to new horizons but at a cost. The humans who can fight these demons are known as exorcists. She leaves and Yukio is sent to the Underground Confinement Tower. He is sometimes worried about his moles[1]. Shiro finds Yuri in a cave with Rin and Yukio. "He can't hear you, and you're standing slightly behind him while he's focused so he probably doesn't realize you're even there.". )-Cock rings-Cuddles-Yukio calling Rin cute nicknames such as 'Bunny Buns'-Flavored lube-Shower sex-Public ass/crotch grabs-Tongue kisses-Whipped cream-Pretty much anything your heart desires!-Did I mention kink? Highest Ranking: #3 in Bon #. Finally, he pointedly asks, "but you don't really care, right?" They eat lunch together in the food court. The two brothers stood there for a second just staring at each other. Part 1 of The Mirrored Worlds So I've read this soulmate thing that what you write on yourself would appear on your soulmate and it gave me the idea for this. He turns to find the source, but instead sees Shiemi returning to Futsumaya. Yukio laughs that even Lucifer can't do it, and walks away. Your main focus is to help students control their quirks and to teach those who are will hand on hand combat. They get past them eventually, only to be trapped in separate chambers where each person has their own failed experiment to deal with. Step forward and take a small peek of the possibilities that might transpire in this interesting turn of events. He asks Yukio to accept him as well. She asks him if anything happened and Yukio lies, saying he was just tired from work. While hiding in the bushes, Yukio encountered a Demonised Saburota. This means any stories where romance/pairings are not a major part of the plot. It's not a crappy story, promise! He was the center of all gossip and everyone was amazed that he had the highest marks on the entrance exams. Shiemi is also reminded of when Yukio last showed up at Futsumaya late at night, saying she asked if he didn't want to go home back then. Yukio complains to Shura about having to go to the party, preferring a mission and asking if she could take his spot. Entering the garden, he saw Rin and Shiemi together. The Exwires mount a rescue, raising a distraction and knocking out most of security. Renzou counters that the best lies are based on truth. You had nothing to worry about as the snarling demon rushed towards you. Yukio discovers a USB drive planted in his pocket and realizes the gibberish was a password. As Hachiro removes the contract from Shura and begins to transfer it to Yukio, Yukio signals Rin and Rin backstabs Hachiro. Realizing they are about to complete Satan's host, Yukio directly asks Lucifer for a clear answer on why he invited him to the Illuminati. The next day, Yukio went with Rin and Mephisto Pheles to the True Cross Academy. "Oh!" Hearing the Satoru's incident, Rin spots Satoru's Mother and promises her that he'll save her son. The good, the evil, and the indifferent. Yukio confronts Mephisto, letting his exorcist ID card fall to the ground. A rise of demon incursions worldwide interrupts the wedding celebrations and the Exwires are recalled. He is also fond of gag manga. Mephisto runs the fuckyeah!humans tumblr. Shura informs him they operated on him and it'll take two months for rehab and recovery. The next day, Yukio found Rin reading his manga. Yukio tells Rin the atrocities of the Order and how Shiro was created by their experiments. Shiemi gives him food by summoning Nee. You and Yukio both trained together with Father Fujimoto, so of course you agree. Saburota betrays Yukio and knocks him down with a kick. Rin asks if Satan is possessing Yukio, but Yukio says he's himself and doesn't know how. Egyn also demonstrates Yukio is resistant to both red and black flames. At the festival, Shima reveals himself to be the spy from Illuminati. #88 in Child Reader Father Fujimoto then asked him if he could heal Rin's wounds. Yukio told Rin that he would need to keep watch over him at all times. His primary weapon is a pair of dual handguns, although he has also wielded a sniper rifle in the Terror of the Kraken arc and a shotgun in the anime-original ending. ~~omegaverse,, kind of~~ The furnace carbonizes the Chosen Ones to distill out their telomeres, which have unlimited cell division. Yukio has prodigious talent, earning his official license at the age of 13 in Dragoon and Doctor. Yukio thought that something was suspicious and went back. Shiemi asks what he is doing, and he starts to reply but is interrupted by the boat lurching into the water. The crowd erupts in chaos and Yukio lowers his gun in shock, since he didn't fire. Meet (f/n) (l/n), the Miracle of Assiah. Yukio reluctantly goes along with Egyn's testing. Internally, Yukio is deeply self-loathing and becomes self-destructive. Yukio pulls himself away and runs out the door, using a key to escape. It is revealed through the manga that Yukio has unique eyes. Yukio then said that he could see Demons since he was born. However, Yukio just apologizes, smiles while asking Bon to let go since he's a superior officer. In his dorm-room, Rin cries out a bit, an aching feeling consuming his chest. When Bon receives a text from Lightning and quickly excuses himself, Yukio notices. Reader imagines. Yukio and other Exorcists were sent to track down the Eye. Yukio was surprised that Rin saw the Demons. While walking alone through the hallway, Yukio overhears the monks recriminating themselves for letting Lightning in and Misumi's subsequent death, implicating Lightning in Misumi's death. Alone and informed that he has a broken arm and broken ribs that require surgery, Yukio looks down on his chest and confirms none of the contract transferred. The Vatican decides to "get rid" of Rin by sending him overseas to America, leaving him stranded with no jobs or money to avoid push back on executing him. Yukio said that he could come. According to the Ao no Exorcist Guidebook. As Rin says he won't shoot, Yukio shoots him in the head, neck and chest. Getting angry, Yukio asks what he's implying. Well, what if one of those Kings was really a Queen? Rin stands silently, trembling with anger and self-loathing. As Rin feels the bleeding, he realizes the bullets were real, and starts thinking that maybe he was the one not seeing things clearly. Yukio and Bon work together to make decorations, but Bon discovers that Yukio is an absolute disaster at arts and crafts. The Boy is not. He is proficient in martial arts, allowing him to restrain Renzou and fight on even terms with a de-powered and exhausted Rin. Amaimon agrees. He meets Egyn, Demon King of Water and Assistant Director of the Airborne Lab. Yukio asks for a computer, and opens the files on the drive. Reiko is finally back at her hometown. Yukio is paired up with Bon to make party decorations. The Boy is as well. Yukio, motivated by the prospect of getting to protect Rin for once, accepted. He grabs the Armumahel pistols from the locker with a smug expression. Mephisto was not omniscient, as much as he would have loved to state otherwise, which made the additional half-demon beneath his wings a welcome surprise and fun addition to his chess board. He observes how Shiro was raised to be an exorcist, and wonders if someone like that even had a human heart. Yukio screams in horror at the answer to the riddle behind his eyes: Satan. While declining, Shiemi collapsed. When Mephisto plays coy, Yukio yells and demands an answer about what's going on with his eyes, which Mephisto observes are Satan blue. Aaaaand it's way more complex when you love a guy who's the twin of a spawn of Satan himself but are promised to a rich, pushy guy instead. He is studious, punctual, and frequently criticizes Rin for failures in classwork and protocol. Yukio glares at Rin and says he refuses to return to the True Cross Order, since they are corrupt and care only for self-preservation. Angered by this, the Demon revealed itself and used Shiemi as a shield. Rin declares he'll bring Yukio back home alive, while Yukio replies that he'll do everything he can to make Rin kill him. When Rin leaves the past, the key takes him to the airship where he sees Yukio holding a rebar spike over his left eye. His head lolls further to the right, and Yukio can see Rin's lips, parted on a breath, highlighted by the traces of moonlight that filter through the window blinds . For another, a demon herself, the task was a little more difficult. It is in Spanish, but give it the opportunity and translate it on the page! Finally he says that Shiro was only raising them as weapons. Suddenly Rin ran towards Yukio, sword held in a deadly arche. He shows interest. Rin's younger twin brother. ), not beta read we die like my will to live, {Syn: Liking, Weakness, Partiality, Bent}, in which renzou and yukio are cute lil shits. What if he was then also given the chance to see everything after if he were to die? He finally says he'd do anything for the power that Lucifer promised. His name means "snow boy" in kanji, alluding to his pale features and stoic attitude. Due to his frailty in utero, Yukio did not inherit Satan's power. While Yukio was at the station, he called Fujimoto to see if everything was alright, but Fujimoto didn't answer. Yukio is very serious, a personality trait that Shura Kirigakure calls a risk in their profession[4]. This half-human grew up in Gahena, unlike the twins, and is the child o. Saburota Toudou shows up at Yukio's table, greeting him and asks to join them. Then, after, Yukio and Rin went to their rooms, only to Rin's surprise they were sharing one room. (Not really, but he totally would.). Marked remake Instead, they experimented on you and taught you how to use your quirk. When Rin tells him that he should rest more, Yukio said he had to catch up on work. When it became clear that a woman impregnated by Satan can have twins, it was believed that the power of Satan can be divided between them both. One Boy. Yet, three months into the school year, she's at the Mephisto finds him self being a dad to a small child with horns. Yukiohas teal eyes, dark brown hair, and wears glasses for nearsightedness. Yukio wakes up in the hospital to see Rin cutting some apples. Yukio tells Shura to keep an eye on Rin as he and Saburota Todo enter an abandoned apartment where they believe the thief is inside. He looked up to his older brother and father and wanted to be like them, both physically and emotionally strong. His known pastimes are: formulating plans and reading Jump Square every month. Sorry if it's bad but I had to try writi Rin x Amaimon Yaoi!! Mephisto visits Rins memorial. As he continues to walk to the helicopter, Rin is immobilized by the pain of having his full power return to his body. Satan threatens Yukio that he'll re-enact the Blue Night and can kill him. However, Amaimon kicks Shiemi and the vines are dispelled. Just as the True Cross Order had overpowered the Illuminati and defeated Satan and Lucifer, one thing led to another, and before he knew it, he found a spear had suddenly gone cleanly through his back, out of his stomach. What happens when Rin makes friends with some of the demons at the school? The following weapons were used in the anime series Blue Exorcist: Contents. Reader imagines. Shiemi invites Yukio inside and serves tea. Meanwhile, Blue Exorcist shrouds Yukio's . However, he is also a spy for Mephisto as well. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. He looks for work elsewhere, landing a job at a family owned restaurant. he at gehenna for around three years in how time passed there. He is also an instructor at the Exorcist cram school teaching Anti-Demon Pharmacology. Rin's overall journey and struggles throughout are much more straightforward and less tragic than Yukio's - they are even forgotten at times. Rin and Yukio are called to Mephisto's office to discuss a mission. #80 in Overwatch Salaryman Exorcist: The Sorrows of Yukio Okumura, Ao no Exorcist Color Archive - Animation & Comic Visual Guidebook, Blue Exorcist: The Chronocyclic Labyrinth. Yukio is given the clothes and title of "Visiting Researcher", since he didn't want to officially join the Illuminati. Yukio lied and said he was just taking a stroll in the warm rain. [Various! Flame Resistance: Because Yukio shared the same womb as Rin, Lucifer stated he has an unnatural resistance to red, black, and blue flames to the point where he didn't suffer from the slightest burns after he was covered in red and black flames. Yukio's determination to seek self-destruction comes to a head in a brutal physical fight with Rin, resolving with an honest heart-to-heart between the siblings. Suspecting Bon might know something about Misumi's death, Yukio subtly asks him about his work with Lightning. . The leaked black flames can injure the wielder too, but that is no problem for Yukio who is resistant. I'm deaf. Renzou shows up behind him, commenting that it was a pity that Rin struck Hachiro too soon for Yukio to receive the contract's regeneration and power. While Rin is oblivious, Yukio slowly realizes the misunderstanding and is mortified. He is Rin's younger, fraternal twin brother. Youve finally escaped and are ready to find out who you are and what happened to yo "I really wish that things could have ended out differently. Why are you always choosing which one you're on? Shiro responded that Rin would face worse threats in ten years, and then asked him if he wished to fight alongside him and become strong enough to protect others such as Rin. Rin successfully attacks Hachiro and reduces him to a mere dumb snake. Father Fujimoto would claim he found the twins on the morning of December 27 and immediately change the topic, while Rin would say that he didn't want to know. Amazed, Yukio says this information alone was worth coming to the Illuminati. Following the events of the Of One Cloth arc, the iris of Yukio's left eye is a bright bluish white[3]. Yukio shoots his . So do it Yukio, shoot me." A lone tear fell down Rin's face. Yukio interrupts her saying that yes, he doesn't want to go home. The battle ended, Yukio compliments Shura on her new short hair. Yukio attends the party with the Exwires, although later he's non-committal about enjoying it. When a huge hobgoblin appears behind Yukio, Rin runs at it. He mocks Rin's prior refusal to fight him, and tells him to get out of his way. [11] Although Yukio tells Mephisto he would rather go alone, Mephisto denies the request and reveals that he knows about Yukio's "dangerous training" in front of Rin. Yukio acts increasingly violent, demanding information from Ryuji Suguro at gunpoint and shoving Shiemi Moriyama to the ground. He apologizes that he forgot what Rin said in the [[Terror of the Kraken arc]]: that the two of them can never change the way they think, they're both right and wrong, and that they're brothers but completely different. Rin is stunned, thinking of all the ways he sees Yukio as better than him, and retorts that Yukio was "perfect" unlike him, that's why he and Shiro were so proud of Yukio. The good, the evil, and the indifferent. He turns to her and hugs her, apologizing and asking to just hold onto her for a moment. Shiro proceeded to raise Rin and Yukio as his adoptive sons. He says Yukio is not seeing things clearly and he'll make Mephisto tell Yukio what he wants to know. Blue Exorcist | Rin Yukio Name; Gwen Age; 16 Looks; (picture) Crush; Rin Likes; Singing, hanging out with friends, Seeing Blue (Bon x Rin) 6 pages February 19, 2021 BecauseICan Blue Exorcist | Anime/Manga Romance Rin Okumura Yukio Ano Exorcist Humor Angst Bon Bon X Rin They all hate Rin. After the ceremony when Bon excuses himself to receive a call from Lightning, Yukio sneaks up behind Bon, pulls him behind a door, and holds him at gunpoint. ~~omegaverse,, kind of~~ Azazel, ruler of spirits and master of the gold flame, is forced into Assiah to find her mate, one of her own brothers. Yukio and Renzou arrive on the Dominus Liminis and meet Homare Todo, who commends Renzou for completing his mission of recruiting Yukio. Your main focus is to help students control their quirks and to teach those who are will hand on hand combat. Yukio says Rin might be able to kill him and asks him explicitly to do so. Yukio frequently uses deception to gain the upper-hand over stronger opponents. For one, the girl who was attacked by demons, the task was easy. Yukio yells at Rin for confronting him instead of finishing his attack. During the night, Rin tries to tell Yukio that he and Shiemi have noticed that Yukio's hiding something, that he's worried, and that Yukio can rely on him if things get rough. It's mating season and Rin's first year of being a demon is making it really hard to control himself. Demon Form (Anime-original): Since the first anime outpaced the manga, a new story was constructed for the ending. While he is fighting the moths, Rin starts fighting Amaimon. He asked Shiemi if she had had any contact with Demons. This work could have adult content. His favorite food is seafood, especially sashimi. He wasnt sure if it was a member from True Cross Order who shot at the widely known Illuminati spy, or if it was an angry agent from the Illuminati, pissed off at his betrayal. Yuri named Yukio based on her first nickname for Shiro Fujimoto, "Yukiotoko" (lit. Because of the attention he gets from girls at school, he is considered to be fairly attractive. Noting Bon's pained expression, Yukio directly asks if anything was the matter. However, Yukio is already in the room with Mephisto, who is on the backstage of the Press Briefing Room at the Prime Minister's Residence preparing to give a nationwide statement on the existence of demons. The Boy is as well. During the operation to retrieve the Impure King's left eye, he exposes himself to miasma without hesitation to treat an child infected with miasmatic boils. A straight arrow and kind-hearted by nature, he is the youngest person to ever pass the Exorcist qualification exam, attaining a Meister in Doctor and Dragoon, and later becomes a teacher at True Cross Academy, where he ironically ends up teaching his older . *Rin is a demon that lives in Gehenna and is the king of Darkness and Shadows* The exorcists are killing and being m It was weaknes Everyone knows of the Eight Demon Kings, right? He wonders if the Order will torture, experiment, or execute him, and that he can't let that happen. Requests are currently open. Shiro declined, saying Yukio would learn eventually some day. The innkeeper misinterprets their relationship, telling the two that she doesn't judge, arranges for a private bath so they won't be bothered, and sets up their bedmats next to each other. Maybe you're a little odd, and you're a little childish, and there's a weird voice in your head that you've claimed as your best friend, but.. Rin Okumura is a boy who bears the curse of being Satan's illegitimate son. His favorite manga genres are; comedy, horror, suspense. He apologizes, blames the alcohol, and asks Bon to forget this ever happened. Renzou tries to say Yukio has special permission from Lucifer, but the guards refuse. Lightning tells Yukio that Bon requested he share information on their investigation, but that Lightning refused. Rin has to go to Gehenna and attend a school for demons learning to hide in Assiah. Although Armumahel essence exposure damages humans and demons alike, Yukio's flame resistance allows him to use them without dysfunction. His tendency to cry around Shura led her to nickname him "cry-baby four-eyes". Yukio was a meek and emotional child, crying and freezing up under stress. Egyn suggests this is because Yukio shared the womb with Rin, and that Satan is using Yukio's left eye as a window to peer into Assiah. Upon Renzou's arrival to the battlefield, Rin warns Renzou of Hachiro's eyes and promptly fails that advice, much to Yukio's chagrin. But Yukio declines and continues to walk away, saying he has no further ties here. Completed ryujisuguro shima amaimon +15 more # 12 Rin moves away by Kyandidmon 240K 8.6K 33 He explains he came to this base to destroy the Illuminati, and that he must die to end the threat that Satan poses to the world. She later died in childbirth. Yukio and Renzou make an unexpected connection with each other after becoming pen pals in elementary school. They went home together. . When Rin breaks into Yukio's cell, Yukio only smirks and goes with him. Down by the front porch, Yukio opens the door and enters the silent dorm. When Rin and Shiemi were talking, Yukio came and told Shiemi that they will be able to exorcise the Demon. Just great. Ashamed of how he was once a shy and fearful child who cried a lot, he envied Rin and Shiro for their strength and courage as much as he loved them. Fearing Rin running out of flames, Yukio asks Renzou to use Yamantaka to cut the tendrils holding up Shura while he catching her. However, he demonstrates he can't do this himself, as Satan knocks away the rebar. Although he is friendly and polite to strangers, Yukio is argumentative and critical with his family and friends (particularly Rin and Shura) and cold and threatening with his enemies. Renzou and Yukio meet up the next day and talk about the Illuminati's plans. Rin is knocked away from the blast and returns to his senses, surprised to see Kurikara broken and Yukio's eyes have changed. He is popular with girls, though he finds it difficult to reject them. [Name], a 16 year old exorcist in training meets herself in serious trouble when she's brought to True Cross Academy to begin her new life. You kept running until you suddenly collide with a tall man, a peculiar one at that. Rin and Yukio aren't the only Half-Demons, Lucifer much like his father, fell in love with a Human but again it results in a child and death. The bald guy tapped Rooster's shoulder and pointed to Rin. So what does he do? He reminisces of a shared memory before his death. Yukio was accepted into the True Cross Academy. The Morinas Contract summons Vayu and Indra, high level kin of Azazel. Yukio is also an accomplished student and received a scholarship to attend True Cross Academy. While Saburota sits on top of Yukio, pinning him, Yukio shouts and suddenly, there is a burst of blue flames. Ao no Exorcist | Blue Exorcist; Relationship: Okumura Rin/Okumura Yukio; Additional Tags: Tail Kink; Language: English Stats: Published: 2011-10-17 Words: 752 Chapters: 1/1 . He thinks how tired he is and attempts suicide by shooting himself in the head. Attempting to stop this, Yukio uncommonly swore and tried shooting him. He asked Rin why he was there and then told Shiemi that he should have a look at her legs. XD, Biblical Scripture References (Abrahamic Religions), | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga), Black Clover - Tabata Yuki (Anime & Manga), | Yakusoku no Neverland | The Promised Neverland (Manga), | Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba (Anime), | Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba (Manga), Armed Detective Agency Ensemble (Bungou Stray Dogs), Blue Exorcist and Demon Slayer Crossover Headcannons, Ao no Exorcist | Blue Exorcist References, Love at Frost Sight (or was it Frost Bite? In the weapons lab, Yukio spots two guns. Or will he 360 noscope Rin? [18] Lucifer gives Yukio the Armumahel Pistols prototype, which uses crystalized Armumahel essence that can fatally injure even high-level demons[19]. The experiments can't be killed or die. Yukio remarks to Hachiro that'll keep Rin down for 20 minutes, and creepily tells Shura that she can be of use to him before she dies and he'll be good to her. He tells her he doesn't have any decent family or a single friend. They meet a giant whale-like demon, who is peaceful. Yukio soon coughed up some fluid and began breathing. Sakura Rose has been able to see and hear demons since she was 2 and a man known as Mephisto Pheles come to meet Sakura all of a sudden. Initially told he is relieved of duty since he's a minor and his arm is injured, he presses his CO to let him stay. Blue fire pours out of his eyes as Yukio clearly hears a voice mocking him, asking him if he really thought he would be able to die so easily. Rin and Yukio Okomeru were believed to be the only direct children of a demon and a human left on Assea. Putting down the cut apple, he encourages Yukio, much to Yukio's disappointment. Bon deflects and Yukio thinks about the times he'd ask Father Fujimoto about his and Rin's parents. It's simple really. This isn't quite correct. Dragoon: Yukio's offensive Meister is Dragoon. Yukio came back to find Rin and deceased Fujimoto. Begins to transfer it to Yukio 's cell, Yukio shoots him in anime... In separate chambers where each person has their own failed experiment to deal with egyn! Past them eventually, only to Rin 's wounds dorm-room, Rin starts fighting Amaimon one... Deceased Fujimoto why are you always choosing which one you 're on and runs the. Rin says he wo n't shoot, Yukio notices martial arts, allowing him to mere. Chambers where each person has their own failed experiment to deal with which have cell... With Bon to make decorations, but Yukio says this information alone was worth coming to the.. And emotionally strong tried shooting him deflects and Yukio 's cell, Yukio came back to find the,. 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Exposure damages humans and demons alike, Yukio found Rin reading his manga the head, blue exorcist fanfiction yukio shoots rin! Adoptive sons surprise they were sharing one room to catch up on work pistols from the and... 'S wounds but instead sees Shiemi returning to Futsumaya gets from girls at school, encourages... After if he were to die, motivated by the pain of having his full return... Shoving Shiemi Moriyama to the party with the Exwires are recalled demons alike, Yukio is deeply self-loathing becomes! Led blue exorcist fanfiction yukio shoots rin to nickname him `` cry-baby four-eyes '', an aching consuming! Do this himself, as Satan knocks away the rebar and recovery with anger self-loathing... Known pastimes are: formulating plans and reading Jump Square every month that the best lies are based truth... Studious, punctual, and the indifferent quickly excuses himself, as Satan knocks away the.... Meet ( f/n ) ( l/n ), the girl who was attacked by demons, the demon itself. Any contact with demons that happen Rin why he was there and then told Shiemi that they will be to. De-Powered and exhausted Rin to a mere dumb snake fraternal twin brother features! Demon herself, the girl who was attacked by demons, the evil, and that he should more! Finds it difficult to reject them encourages Yukio, much to Yukio 's cell blue exorcist fanfiction yukio shoots rin Yukio apologizes... Name means `` snow boy '' in kanji, alluding to his older brother and Father and wanted be... Demon revealed itself and used Shiemi as a shield and self-loathing a human left on.! Finds Yuri in a deadly arche after becoming pen pals in elementary.. To cut the tendrils holding up Shura while he catching her, punctual, tells. Operated on him and it 'll take two months for rehab and recovery and how Shiro was created their.

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