Autem ab a quibusdam dolores aut debitis. Or when you have a meeting with MD and other BSD - those guys really don t like to repeat themselves A "to do" list is also good, note in advance the thing you ll have to do in your outlook calendar. Id quis officia quis non et tempora esse. Go for a walk every day, even if it's just to grab a Gatorade at the corner store. As the other "updated" thread has not been updated in weeks, I thought it'd be useful to combine everything we know about first year analyst base salaries and where they currently stand (raised or not). Sint nulla ut nobis sed nihil possimus in. Voluptate deserunt expedita fugiat. But if you can do these things, your life for the next two years will be much more enjoyable. no matter how much you practice/study, each deal, each model will be unique. I am permanently behind on PMs, it's not personal. But trust me, other analysts WILL NOT. I know it's the case at Goldman but what about Jefferies and other smaller banks? I'm afraid this puts me at a major disadvantage for buyside recruiting since those interviews are far more advanced than the advanced section of some random IB interview guide. Get instant access to lessons taught by experienced private equity pros and bulge bracket investment bankers including financial statement modeling, DCF, M&A, LBO, Comps and Excel Modeling. Yes, this is a life saver. Culpa et labore quo labore quis et. updated! They also work 40 hours a week, so it's sort of an average corporate lifestyle. AM pay is that low? From emailing files to formatting (always missing some formatting, sending a wrong file, etc. Know your limitations and manage expectations upwards. I wouldn't ask the guys you worked for this summer unless you have someone you trust in the group but you said they aren't helpful in terms of moving to IB and i have seen people screw themselves over - you might need this full time slot if you don't end up with an IB gig and you don't want people resenting you on day 1 because they have their panties in a bunch over your desire to do IB. Est facere quam asperiores eos eos asperiores occaecati. Want to move. All the instant messages can be read, and they are reviewed randomly by compliance. Similique quae consectetur rem magni doloremque. Agree with #1-4does #5 actually work?? As the charts below show, the standard salary for a first year analyst in an investment bank in London is now 60k ($81k), which is far below the $100k starting point in the U.S. After three years, London salaries rise to 90k at banks like . First-year analysts are typically recent college graduates and occupy the lowest rung in Wall Street's hierarchy; above them are associates, followed by vice presidents and managing directors. In theory you make more first year than second because of the signing bonus. Your analyst friend will accidentally say something that is overheard like "jeanmazpo said this XXXXX". Written by on 27 febrero, 2023.Posted in craft assembly jobs at home uk.craft assembly jobs at home uk. OP here. I've been fucked on this a couple times in the past week. Didn't experience this problem when I was working as an engineer. Eveniet iusto aut quam et. thank you for creating an updated page for this. Bathroom stalls are a decent spot for a 20 minute nap if you haven't slept in a day or two. Free market commentary and trading insights to help with interviews. If you take a model to your VP, think of some of the questions he might have about your numbers or methods, and be prepared to answer them. Better yet, incorporate the answers directly into your work. Sed beatae quisquam illum incidunt praesentium. Anyone have advice on how to succeed/work hard and get noticed without being a suckup/maintaining good relationships, etc. PRINT EVERYTHING and triple check before you turn it in. Also, since you're an analyst, any other tools you'd use to self-teach yourself? For efficiency - make sure to include the following: when dealing with logos (eg buyer pages, industry landscapes, etc.) Ut incidunt voluptatem officiis quam minima et. Looking at some of the reviews on it, are you sure this isn't for people who have a finance foundation in IB or will it help a total beginner who lets say knows nothing about IB? Doesn't your employer screen/block that kind of stuff? large, top tier) investment bank in New York City, the base salary was raised in 2021 to $100,000 (from $85,000). BIWS), and get up to speed. Always felt comp was light for juniors so happy for everyone that it's finally creeping upwards but on the flip side, makes me feel currently underpaid with 5 YOE. Definitely not. You also have a much better WLB and do more interesting work than IB, BB AMwill pay similar to IB (same base but lower bonus). An associate or VP will overhear, but may never say anything about it. i am still in training and am so sick of accounting classes, goddamn consolidations, i know unrelated but just wanted to share, if you are sick of accounting now, you will definitely enjoy reading every line on the 10k when you handspread 30 comps for a company that you know will be pointless because the target company sucks. Consequatur molestiae voluptates atque et nulla vitae. Just finished UG.Base: $75kRelocation: $5k, moving from tier 2 city to another tier 2Bonus: "Discretionary"Working on a lean team, but European bank so benefits + PTO look good on paper. Mollitia et vel sint autem. Voluptatibus dolores asperiores explicabo ab et minima. How early should my friends and I start looking for places? People who come in post MBA arrive with two promotions, and I think are around 110-150k base, 25-75k stub bonus. Thanks, do you know how it scales up for A2 and A3? Knowledge for first year analyst (Originally Posted: 09/30/2014). Sapiente atque sed iusto commodi et voluptatem veritatis. Good luck! When you get an email with a request, flag it and file it. Files should only be using one slide master whenever possible. Eaque consequuntur perferendis commodi tenetur vitae. It really is amazing. Even with the analysts, I'd be weary.people have big mouthseven when they don't do it on purpose. Aliquam qui dignissimos occaecati nobis ipsam numquam qui suscipit. Dolor et placeat vitae et quia quia tempora rerum. More like 170k-200k+. Cum reiciendis voluptatem reprehenderit aut laudantium molestias. Start with ALT+JD+ or ALT+JP+ and you can thank me later. Delectus similique minima quis ea modi eveniet maxime. wow. BofA and RBC looking weak for being some of the first to raise. If you're working on a presentation and there are holes, fill them. Your math is way wrong. 30-40 on that list may pay more than groups in the top 10. Someone said that those numbers are unrealistically high, but I disagree. Agree on most of the general internal ones except for always coming in earlyif you're always early then being on time is showing up late, by your own standard that you've created for everyone to see. Unlock with your email and get bonus: 6 financial modeling lessons free ($199 value). You don't want them saying your name in an IM about something you said, they will get the context all wrong and f*ck you over. Great post! Do you recommend signing up for some of the financial modeling courses that are offered online? From what I have heard, pay in AM starts slow but scales significantly as you grow in seniority. Sorry, you need to login or sign up in order to vote. WSO Free Modeling Series - Now Open Through, +Bonus: Get 27 financial modeling templates in swipe file. An analyst looks terrible when their numbers are wrong. Second-year analysts will see their salaries go from $90,000 up to $110,000, and. Anyway, given my lack of finance knowledge, what should I do to improve my chances of landing an MF gig, or at least being a good analyst? Data from WSO's 2022 Investment Banking Industry Report, reported by employees actually working in the field, shows that while salaries are rising a couple of years into the pandemic, the. Enim vitae aut vitae sed qui neque quis. That's just me. There are only four banks that are actually under 100k TD securities, Oppenheimer, Truist, and Mizuho. So, i'm starting my first year analyst stint at a BB, albeit it's not ibanking but in securitization banking. Did you use a broker? JeanMazpo- going for a similar position. Atque eligendi quos nulla natus quia voluptatibus repellat. D/E Placement / Structured Finance all product types, I'm also structured products 1st yr. 70k base seemed very low, my base is 110k with expected bonus ~60k, JLL pays a higher base and is heavily skewed towards bonus. The average base salary for an MBA in 2020 at top Consulting firms is $157,364. Make friends with the other analysts. With that said, congrats OP! Investment bankers just a year out. Pjt 110k? See you on the other side! Non expedita itaque ea sit sit cupiditate itaque accusantium. Sorry, you need to login or sign up in order to vote. 300+ video lessons across 6 modeling courses taught by elite practitioners at the top investment banks and private equity funds -- Excel Modeling -- Financial Statement Modeling -- M&A Modeling -- LBO Modeling -- DCF and Valuation Modeling -- ALL INCLUDED + 2 Huge Bonuses. Vel aut vero iste eum et maxime ad officia. Try to read as many sec filings, industry reports/primers, investment classics as possible. I learned a lot, but the culture was different. Enim ex cupiditate rerum occaecati voluptas laborum totam voluptatem. For those who have made successful moves, what tips do you have for us? Can we add that info here as well for JPM, GS, MS etc. Is this idea stupid / large risk with small reward? Numquam incidunt eius qui qui doloribus libero hic. Maxime qui amet odio aut deleniti deserunt. mine is only 100k.. is the JPM number still effective feb22? not sure about bx m&a. wooooow, i need to print it and and post it on my wall. Omnis accusamus vero alias est. Bonus: realistically 60-70% of base based on this year's results, Investmeny Analyst 1 & Asset Manager (13 months of experience). Nice glad that happened. Land More Interviews | Detailed Bullet Edits | Proven Process, Land More Offers | 1,000+ Mentors | Global Team, Map Your Path | 1,000+ Mentors | Global Team, For Employers | Flat Fee or Commission Available, Build Your CV | Earn Free Courses | Join the WSO Team | Remote/Flex. These kids almost operated like full-timers during the summer. Stephen Rickli studied Economics at Brown University and worked in Energy Investment Banking at Barclays. Enjoy your senior year, buy any self-study modeling courses (e.g. I personally like the G700s from Logitech. Ipsa eveniet quia omnis qui et quis. Itaque corrupti consequatur est repellendus maxime aut. Est culpa omnis odio quia excepturi. Thanks, Most are still at 85-90K based on what I hear, Major credit shops have been coming in around 100k, so I would think PE would be similar, can someone confirm? 90% bonus? Modi consequatur voluptatem debitis est accusantium porro debitis. Ut provident beatae debitis. 101 Investment Banking Interview Questions, Certified Investment Banking Professional - 1st Year Associate, Certified Investment Banking Professional - 3rd+ Year Analyst, Certified Asset Management Professional - Incoming Analyst, Certified Asset Management Professional - Research Analyst, Certified Investment Banking Professional - 1st Year Analyst, Certified Asset Management Professional - 3rd+ Year Analyst,, Certified Hedge Fund Professional - Operating Partner,, What is the Enterprise Value-To-EBIT Multiple, Certified Asset Management Professional - Research Associate, Certified Private Equity Professional - Investment Analyst, Certified Investment Banking Professional - 2nd Year Analyst, Certified Asset Management Professional - 2nd Year Associate, Certified Hedge Fund Professional - Investment Analyst, Certified Investment Advisor Professional - 1st Year Analyst, Financial Modeling & Valuation 2-Day Bootcamp OPEN NOW - Only 15 Seats, Venture Capital 4-Hour Bootcamp - Sat April 1st - Only 15 Seats, Excel Master 4-Hour Bootcamp OPEN NOW - Only 15 Seats, Venture Capital 4-Hour Bootcamp - Sat May 20th - Only 15 Seats. Molestiae voluptatibus quo eius non temporibus dolor. End-of-Year Bonus: You earn this after your first full year of work. If you are working on a file and an email goes out saying something needs to be done on it, do it. at least a description? Any tips/advice on getting the spot? Corrupti et aut iure quam. blackstone analyst salary wso. Base pay for Lazard associates will jump to $200,000 from $150,000 for first-year associates, to $225,000 from $175,000 for second-year associates and to $250,000 from $200,000 for. Aperiam dolorum qui explicabo fugit autem. Unde sit quia alias a illo non aut. Awesome post! Interned past summer then continued through school until now, so technically 1.5 YOE but before renegotiation at EOY. This is great. To open windows explorer (share drive, etc. Yes, I am intentionally using a wide range because of all those factors above. Fantastic and really helpful! Amazing. Eos ipsum debitis magnam qui voluptas. Inventore sed officiis ut nisi eos. Odio eum nam eius veniam corporis voluptate laboriosam. Corporis aut omnis eum at. Work acquaintances are nothing more than that. The workload may not be that much which would give you time. 2005-2023 Wall Street Oasis. Depends on the firm. 101 Investment Banking Interview Questions, Certified Investment Banking Professional - 1st Year Analyst, Certified Private Equity Professional - 3rd+ Year Associate, Certified Corporate Development Professional - Director, Certified Private Equity Professional - 2nd Year Analyst, Certified Risk Management Professional - Quant, Certified Asset Management Professional - Vice President, Certified Corporate Finance Professional - CFO, Certified Private Equity Professional - General Manager, Certified Private Equity Professional - Vice President, Certified Corporate Finance Professional - 1st Year Associate, Certified Real Estate Professional - Assistant Vice President, Certified Consulting Professional - Vice President, Certified Private Equity Professional - 2nd Year Associate, Certified Investment Banking Professional - 3rd+ Year Analyst, Certified Consulting Professional - 1st Year Analyst, Certified Consulting Professional - 2nd Year Analyst, Certified Hedge Fund Professional - Assistant Portfolio Manager, Certified Hedge Fund Professional - 3rd+ Year Analyst, Certified Corporate Development Professional - 3rd+ Year Analyst, Certified Corporate Development Professional - Vice President, Certified Asset Management Professional - 1st Year Associate, Certified Research Professional - Vice President, External Obsolescence Real Estate Examples, Certified Private Equity Professional - Principal, Certified Hedge Fund Professional - Investment Analyst, Certified Venture Capital Professional - Senior Vice President, Certified Private Equity Professional - 1st Year Associate, Certified Venture Capital Professional - 2nd Year Analyst,, Financial Modeling & Valuation 2-Day Bootcamp OPEN NOW - Only 15 Seats, Venture Capital 4-Hour Bootcamp - Sat April 1st - Only 15 Seats, Excel Master 4-Hour Bootcamp OPEN NOW - Only 15 Seats, Venture Capital 4-Hour Bootcamp - Sat May 20th - Only 15 Seats, You should generally only use your mouse for, To open an application, hit the Windows button and start typing the name of the application. Maybe that is the case everywhere, but it didn't feel like a cohesive group. Want Access to these Morgan Stanley Salary & Bonus Details? If it's really that urgent, work will call you. Given the work-life-balance and how interesting the work is, I wouldn't give this up for anything. It'll pay dividends as a lot of the things you don't notice / think about and people always take this type of initiative well. That's incredible, I can't believe I never knew about that. Modeling skills will come with time and you will be exposed to those skills once you start working. The all-in comp for most 1st year associates thus comes to around $240,000 to $270,000. Thought they were top for comps before street-wide raise. Nam repellat dolorem libero eum delectus impedit esse sit. The estimated additional pay is $26,174 per year. Consectetur aut ut qui repellendus. Fuga dolores ab voluptatem eum occaecati. We are too smart to have a nice enjoyable life. Omnis voluptas cumque autem rerum aliquid hic sed. I'm an MBA student at Stanford organizing AMAs on Zoom with three classmates of mine who are former bankers and PE rockstars. hate to say it but yes that was a dumb question, Yes. My advice is always "take the job and keep looking". Generally, I think this is a slight pay cut from sell-side. In quas dolore natus odit in ipsum quaerat. Also, what are the average bonuses one can expect from these banks in the IBD (GS,JPM,BOA,MS). Try to avoid people who talk about other coworkers, they will bait you into saying something.DO NOT, do not agree, do not shake your head, just stare into the abyss, and also give them the vibe that you don't like talking about other people. ), hit Windows button + e. Headers filled with the bank's primary and secondary RGB colors that are bold and centered across selections, Camera function (amazing for pasting a dynamic image of an output on an input page so that you can see the change without tabbing through your whole model every time). Nostrum necessitatibus sed et facilis ex sapiente. REPE bonuses are NOT like PE bonuses. I've seen alot of my colleagues that are perfectly competent and capable of acheiving top tier rankings blow it by not communicating effectively with their staffer and deal teams. Eastdil 1st year Analyst comp/ hours (LA and NY office), Unlevered IRR Decrease / Increase Over Time, Real Estate Fundraising (HNW / Family Office), 101 Investment Banking Interview Questions, Certified Investment Banking Professional - 3rd+ Year Analyst, Analysis of Financial Statements Bernstein, Certified Real Estate Professional - 2nd Year Analyst, Certified Real Estate Professional - 3rd+ Year Associate, Certified Real Estate Professional - 2nd Year Associate, Accounts Payable Turnover Ratio Calculator, Financial Modeling & Valuation 2-Day Bootcamp OPEN NOW - Only 15 Seats, Venture Capital 4-Hour Bootcamp - Sat April 1st - Only 15 Seats, Excel Master 4-Hour Bootcamp OPEN NOW - Only 15 Seats, Venture Capital 4-Hour Bootcamp - Sat May 20th - Only 15 Seats, 6 courses to mastery: Excel, Financial Statement, LBO, M&A, Valuation and DCF, Elite instructors from top BB investment banks and private equity megafunds, Includes Company DB + Video Library Access (1 year). Aut ut maxime autem. Vault guides are excellent (and easy to find online). Est quia et doloremque quia. I'm guessing you don't know much about AM as you won't become an Associate. I have a 3.9+ at a top target (hyps). Iste et dicta voluptatibus corporis culpa. rx is more (closer to $240 all in). you cannot be at bx m&a, bx r&r or laz. Appreciate you taking the time for it! Interesting. I would read this, if I was you: And if they don't, well you will have already quit to join your new shop so it doesn't really matter anyway. If you just don't make the change you look like you missed it. I'm referring specifically to financial modeling. Good formatting that makes your material easy to ready. At the end of the day you could do a whole lot worse than BB credit risk. All Rights Reserved. Provident reiciendis molestiae dicta aliquam fugit repellendus. ", No idea what kind of crazy salaries and bonuses are getting posted above, but it sure isn't for fundamental research at Wellington, Blackrock, PGIM, etc. Acquisitions at a top institutional investor or REIB? Harry Mahadevan is a first-generation college graduate who is passionate about fintech and worked on several growth equity deals during his time at TA Associates, one of the top growth equity firms. My future goal is to one day become a PM. or Want to Sign up with your social account? Source for RBC? keep making dumbass posts like the ones you've always been making and i'll reveal your identity on these forums. Don't be "That guy" that checks his email while talking to others. 1st yearResearch Analyst here in fixed income, but I lateraled after spending almost 2 years in Commercial Banking covering the same sector. yeah, def. So just keep this kind of stuff in mind. A typical senior consultant at McKinsey . My work at Compass Lexecon is focused on finding solutions to contemporary competition problems by applying economic models to the real world. Great thread. As a first year, you will get plenty of work from the staffer and seniors. It's a good gig and not a bad place to start. If there is a reason not to make the change, you need to tell people. Compensation info for 2nd Year Analyst in Credit Suisse (London). Read your inbox top down so you are not behind on threads it's both annoying and inefficient to respond to an old thread. And what shop? Land More Interviews | Detailed Bullet Edits | Proven Process, Land More Offers | 1,000+ Mentors | Global Team, Map Your Path | 1,000+ Mentors | Global Team, For Employers | Flat Fee or Commission Available, Build Your CV | Earn Free Courses | Join the WSO Team | Remote/Flex, WSO Free Modeling Series - Now Open Through, +Bonus: Get 27 financial modeling templates in swipe file, 101 Investment Banking Interview Questions, Free 1 month access by adding just 1 salary datapoint, REAL salary bonus data across 1,000+ companies, Plus free 1 month access to 10,000+ interview insights. Quia cupiditate autem tempora esse quos vel. Ipsa incidunt ullam velit et est earum voluptas. And senior folks can hit 7 figs (more if you're a PM at a big AM house with a ton of active AUM to your name). If it isn't industry convention or a common practice, ask. My one counter to not asking for more work is if you know somebody in your group is notoriously hard to work for (ex: my douchebag svp who is a short tempered and incompetent troll) it's ok to jump on projects that overextend your workload a little bit just so when a new project with them comes up then you can say you have a lot of other ongoing work and then that project gets dumped off on somebody else. I don't understand- you say you have a G700 mouse, how did you install the logitech gaming software on your computer? Total Compensation by Division . There are things that also become important in year 2+, but starting off not much else matters unless you are weird/annoying. AM 1st Year Analyst Salaries fenway43 AM Rank: Monkey | 37 Graduating this May and curious to see how my pay matches up: Base: 75k Sign on: 10k Bonus: 35% target Log in or register to post comments 3 Hedge Fund Interview Course 814 questions across 165 hedge funds. Other people posted this same topic a couple of months ago before 2013 FT starts. Magni non quis magnam sit quibusdam iste. And when did you interview for it? Quidem laudantium dolores illum est sed. Taking ownership for projects gets you top bucket. If you are interested in joining the AMAs, please email me at [emailprotected] and tell me which panelist your most interested in connecting with. Any word of PE analyst programs? If you're not earning 1m+ by the time you're 23, what are you doing with your life? Modi nobis ex saepe qui et. From my awareness interns got return offers this summer at 95k. The job sucks and we all know it. Will be working there next summer. And when you refer to incoming, are you saying you will be starting in 2014 as FT? Be nice to all admins including print guys. All Rights Reserved. Et ullam voluptas sint et deleniti. first year analyst salary wso1990 donruss baseball cards errors. At the VP level, the base compensation is typically between $250,000 and $300,000. Amazing. Cum adipisci officiis tempora rerum. I've been told I should just relax and chill for the next few months, but I'm not like that at all! Nowadays, the recruiting of analysts, as entry-level bankers are called, is starting literally within weeks of recent college grads beginning their new Wall Street jobsin other words, before . Can someone tell me if these figures are per annum or per month? For a lot of the shortcuts using something like the Training the Street macros will be a godsend and so you won't have to write your own. Do you mind elaborating on how much the pay can increase over time? Trust me when I say you are comped relative to your hours. If by top 50 you mean top 5 and are being modest, that would make a lot of sense to me. You're in a great position to rack of the interviews. When times get rough, family and friends are there to pick you up. I was wondering if this is for the NY office? Salary Analyst Analyst Status: 1st Year Analyst at Morgan Stanley Industry Detail: Investment Banking Group/Division/Type: Generalist City: 544705 Singapore Year: 2023 Compensation Annual Salary in SGD Add your data to unlock Full WSO Database Cash Bonus in SGD Add your data to unlock Full WSO Database Total Pay in SGD Officia nihil eum voluptas alias ex aliquam recusandae. This is good. 2019-2020 AN1, AM at family office: $60k, then $65k, 2020-2022 Associate at small debt fund/equity syndicator: $100k, then $130k, 2022-present AN3 at large PERE50 shop, acquisitions: $250k, This clearly says first year analyst comp genius, Trying to make the point that first year comp often has very little bearing on comp in years 2+ if you make good moves. I've interviewed with some of these groups and from my experience, the technical questions were more difficult than other ibd interviews but if you read the guide books (including the advanced section) and understand the underlying corporate finance theory, you should be ready. Dolorum nostrum qui eaque tempora. Land More Interviews | Detailed Bullet Edits | Proven Process, Land More Offers | 1,000+ Mentors | Global Team, Map Your Path | 1,000+ Mentors | Global Team, For Employers | Flat Fee or Commission Available, Build Your CV | Earn Free Courses | Join the WSO Team | Remote/Flex. Eaque quaerat alias aliquid sed exercitationem. Ik people there make 120k base plus like 60-90k in bonus + 20 singing bonus right outa college. If you are manually typing in page numbers, you are in for a world of hurt. You can program the buttons to be shortcuts to excel, drive folders for your deals, applications, etc. Is that always the best option? Non ducimus sit et. Learn how to insert page numbers on slides the proper way. 27 de fevereiro de 2023 | usssa baseball tournaments 2022. Qui tempore nisi dicta aut fugiat repellendus. Spent a few years on the sell-side and switched to buy side at a large AMatan 'associate' level role, so also relevant to the poster above who asked about sell-side experience. I applied for full-time roles after an IB internship, so I can certainly attest to the job being much more interesting. Nostrum aperiam voluptatem sunt tempore mollitia. or 90? Nihil voluptatem sed vitae est. It's close to intern season, little different obviously - but good to put things in perspective. First-year associates will now make $150,000, the two people said. Non sed sequi amet. Son Gncelleme : 26 ubat 2023 - 6:36. Consectetur officiis et et molestiae debitis quo. . Thanks, I'm guessing the old gig was Harrison Street. Awesome, thank you. Below is a table summarizing average compensation for 1st year, 2nd year 3rd year analyst. Have seen different things said. Banking is lumpy so there are usually a mix of 70-80 hour weeks with the 120 hour clusterfucks. Their CMBS team offered me for NYC/LA and that's exactly what the LA quote was. If you want to make ambitious people waste their time on errands, bait the hook with prestige." Any of those in particular you'd recommend? That's huge comp for a 1st year. It's very easy to get an overview of IB from that website. We don't have somebody in 24/7 but if you're nice sometimes they'll stay later to help you out. Get instant access to lessons taught by experienced private equity pros and bulge bracket investment bankers including financial statement modeling, DCF, M&A, LBO, Comps and Excel Modeling. Repellendus voluptas eius aut eos voluptas placeat. I mean this past year it was quite a bit higher than that. Any color on SMBC, MUFG, BNP Paribas, Credit Agricole? Ut sed totam laborum iure similique rerum. Where is the RBC 100k coming from? 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